The Circumstances When HIV PEP Should Be Administered

HIV PEP involves taking the antiretroviral drugs immediately after one suspect they might have been infected with HIV virus. Therefore, these drugs are a preventive measure that is meant to counter possible infection of an already exposed person. You should report to the health centre immediately when you suspect the possibility of getting infected so that you can take HIV PEP soonest possible. There are various possible causes when the HIV PEP should be administered. These include the following;


Cases Involving Rape


When a person has been forced to have unprotected or unwilling sex with a stranger or a person he/she knows well, it is important this person gets the HIV PEP to make sure the person is not infected. In most cases, people who are raped are stigmatised and fail to report such incidents. On top of getting the culprits arrested, the other reason why it is important that these persons report to the police/authorities is so that they are taken to health centres so that they can get HIV PEP immediately. There is a potential exposure to HIV Virus when a person gets raped because of the force that is applied and also the possible rupture of the skin around the genitals.


In Cases Where a Person Voluntarily Has Sex with a Stranger


The other case when one should be tested is the case where you had sex with a person you don’t know their HIV status. This includes indulging in prostitution or even the one night events where you voluntarily have sex with a person you don’t know or trust their HIV status. The HIV PEP has become readily available at the health centres, and therefore in such cases, you should rush to the health centre as soon as possible and have treatment to prevent the spread of the infection. In any case, where you are planning to have sex with a stranger, it is advisable that both of you find time before the meeting and have an HIV test done. This is the most responsible act you can do in your life. Otherwise, you should just abstain from irresponsible behaviour.


Accidental Sharing of Sharp Items Leading to Body Fluids Mixing


In some cases, a doctor might be operating a person who is infected with HIV and accidentally gets cut by the same surgeon blade. In other cases, the doctor might also feel that he has been exposed to the virus and needs to act before he is also infected to completely destroy the virus. These are circumstances when the doctor needs to take HIV PEP immediately to avoid becoming infected. This might happen on very occasions. But when it happens, it is good for the doctor to take the medication immediately.


Note that for the HIV PEP to function effectively, the doctor should administer it in 72 hours after a person indulges in risky behaviour or also in any of the above circumstances. This is the only assurance that you can have to make sure you are not infected.

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