Entries by admin

The Circumstances When HIV PEP Should Be Administered

HIV PEP involves taking the antiretroviral drugs immediately after one suspect they might have been infected with HIV virus. Therefore, these drugs are a preventive measure that is meant to counter possible infection of an already exposed person. You should report to the health centre immediately when you suspect the possibility of getting infected so […]

FAQs on HIV Testing

HIV is the deadliest virus known to man, and this is because there is no known cure for the virus. Once one is infected, the virus works quickly, over time to weaken the immune system which increases susceptibility to other viruses and infections. One of the best ways to deal with HIV virus is by […]

The Benefits of HIV Testing

HIV is one of the STD`s that can easily get controlled if an early diagnosis is done. Therefore, it is important that individuals who are actively indulging in sex get HIV testing often to make sure they are not only getting treatment but also to make sure they don’t spread the virus unknowingly. In this […]

Reasons Why You Should Get Tested for STD

STD testing is recommended for all persons, and therefore it is important that you schedule a date to know your status. This is the only way to avoid the risk of contracting STD or spreading it to another person. Therefore, you should visit a health centre near you and ask for STD testing. In most […]

Information about Accessing PEP

Before going forward, people at risk of HIV need to know that an infection can be stopped using PEP. Although, few surveys have been conducted to determine the proportion of the population aware of the drugs; those done indicate that a small percentage of heterosexual and gay men and women, know about the drugs. The […]

STD Testing: When and Why Should You Get Tested?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, or STDs for short, have been increasing rapidly over the past few years. All over the world, there are daily reports on people who have been infected. Even though protective measures are generally simple and easy to use, many people neglect them, and the results are often catastrophic. STD testing is able […]

Choosing the Right STD Testing for You

STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) is getting fairly common. There are different STD testing that can suit your situation depending on your specific risk factor. For those who are sexually active and has a multiple sex partner, you need to keep yourself protected and get tested. This is essential since a person can be infected without […]

All You Need to Know about HIV PEP

There are cases of an emergency when you do not if you have been exposed to HIV. Instead of risking an infection, you should proceed with caution and receive HIV PEP treatment. PEP stands for post-exposure prophylaxis, which means that you protect yourself after the incident has occurred. Prophylaxis comes from the Greek word of […]

Five Best Reasons to Go for STD Testing

As a young person, you deserve a safe, healthy, and enjoyable sex life. However, that’s not always the case. Research confirms that young people between the ages of 15 and 29 have the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. All the same, STD testing is an important part of […]

Reasons Why You Should Go for STD Testing

Reasons Why You Should Go for STD Testing The Centres for Disease Control have been carrying campaigns geared towards encouraging people to get STD testing done. According to CDC, early detection will help in controlling the spread of the diseases and also will help them to monitor the nature of the diseases that affect people. […]