Can an infection be prevented with PEP?

HIV Post exposure prophylaxis better known as HIV PEP are antiretroviral medicines which are given to prevent a person from infection who has been exposed to HIV or have chances of being exposed or effected by it. PEP is only meant for emergency cases and is recommended to be started within 72 hours of being exposed to HIV or having doubts of it. If you are in the doubtful scenario, talk to your professional health care first and then take a step towards PEP. PEP is taken for 28 days and must be taken daily. It is considered helpful in preventing from HIV but the results are not 100% effective for everyone. It might help some and might not be as great for others.



Many people get caught in the struggle of whether PEP is right for them or not. PEP is meant to be taken in emergency cases and if you have passed 72 hours in sheer doubt, then the clock has ticked away. PEP medicines are only given to a person who has been in a sexual connection or have shared needles with someone in the past 72 hours. HIV PEP is meant to lower your chances of having an HIV infection. However, it is not 100% effective, as mentioned above. This is why it is recommended to use safety while having sex, until you are done with PEP and proper HIV testing.



PEP is completely safe for health. However, it can cause nausea in some people. Nausea is definitely not life threating and you can easily opt for a nausea control medication to make it stop.



PEP medication is now easily accessible on pharmacies but you will need a proper prescription for that. Visit your doctor or an emergency for it and you can get it through a prescription easily. Emergency wardens won’t give you PEP prescription right away. They will talk to you and you will have ya answered some basic queries for them. They will only prescribe you PEP if they think you have been exposed to HIV.



You need to remember that HIV PEP can only be taken in emergency cases. It is not good to opt for each time you have unprotected sex or you indulge in sex with an HIV positive person. This only puts you at higher risks and as PEP is not 100% effective, you really don’t know what you are putting yourself up to. Once or twice is just fine but it is always better to stay on the safer side.


To conclude it all up, PEP can be effective in preventing or lowering chances of having HIV infection. However, it is not your perfect getaway. Make sure that you stay under-protection while being connected with someone sexually. Also make sure that you do not have sex with a HIV positive person. It is better to stay safe rather than sorry.

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