STD Screening in Singapore – What You Need to Know

Singapore STD Screening

STD screening in Singapore can be a breeze, but only if you know what to do. It can be fast, free of hassles and even free of charge at times. STD screening generally isn’t packaged as part of routine health examinations. The patient, more often than not, has to request specifically for one.

Keen to undergo a STD screen or test? Get more information here.

Do I have to specifically request for a STD screen with my physician?

As mentioned, STD screening or tests typically isn’t part of your routine health check or other test packages. Be sure to check with your physician or healthcare service provider if unsure. When sharing information regarding more intimate details about your sexual activities, be sure to be upfront with your nurse or doctor. Know that these people are professionally trained to handle cases such as yours, and more often than not they have heard countless of times stories such as yours. There is no need to fear being judged.

While speaking with a healthcare professional about such affairs may initially be awkward and uncomfortable, you will soon realize that it’s usually not as bad as you had imagined. Nurses and doctors need the information from you so that they may find the best solution, treatment or test for you. Also note that a huge majority of the population would have gotten a sexually transmitted disease at least once in their lifetimes. The doctor or nurse you are interacting with probably would have heard and seen it all.

Getting adequately tested and treated is the right thing to do – something that a responsible adult would do.

The following are some tips you may follow when breaching into the topic of a STD screen with a healthcare professional. 

  • Is there a need for me to undergo a STD screen? I would like to find out more about it.
  • Just checking – have you conducted any STD screen with me during our routine checkups?
  • May I know what are some of the more common STDs and their signs and symptoms? How would I know if a test or screen is required?

If you are uncomfortable with raising the topic with your healthcare professional, consider whatsapp-ing / SMS-ing us at 96622880. Our team of doctors and nurses will attend to you shortly while keeping 100% confidentially and anonymity.

How do I know what are the STD screening tests that I would need to undergo?

When speaking with your doctor or nurse, he or she will base on the information you’ve provided and determine the most appropriate tests you are recommended to undergo. The following are some of things commonly discussed;

  • the signs and symptoms that you have exhibited, if any
  • your health history – have you or your partner ever had a sexually transmitted disease before
  • if you have or had multiple sexual partners
  • the nature of your sexual activities (oral, bottom, normal)
  • any protection used in your course of sexual activity (condoms, pregnancy pills etc)
  • when are protection used, is it regular, consistent and always or only at selected times
  • do you administer drugs or other medication that may increase your risk of contracting an STD (such as sharing of needles)

Based on the discussion above and information provided, your healthcare professional will assist you in determining the next course of action that is best in your interest. Take note to be upfront, honest and frank with them. Remember, they are there to help, not to judge. Giving accurate information to them is helping them help you. There is no need to feel upset or embarrassed.

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