HPV Vaccine

HPV Vaccine

HPV or human papillomaviruses is a group of almost two- hundred viruses that are related with each other. There are more than forty types of HPV that can easily spread and transmitted by direct sexual contact from the infected person’s skin and mucous membrane to their partner’s mucous membrane. They can easily spread through anal, vaginal and oral sex.

What cancers that may be caused by HPV?

  • Cervical cancer
  • Anal cancer
  • Oropharyngeal cancer
  • Rarer cancer

Who gets the infection of HPV?

A person who is sexually active can have HPV. It can be easily transmitted by sexual contact. These infections can be more likely for those who have many sexual partners and whom who had sex with anyone who also have so many sex partners. This infection is very common, that’s why even those who are first time for being sexually active can get this HPV.

Can this be prevented?

By HPV vaccination, you can reduce risks for infections. HPV vaccines are providing strong protections even from the newer infections, but it is not really effective for treating those who already established disease and HPV infections. Consistent usage of condom can also be associated to reduce the transmission between partners. However, not all areas are covered by condoms, that’s why vaccine is still needed.

Who should get HPV vaccine?

People with the age of nine up to twenty- six can already be vaccinated for protection against the genital warts and different kinds of HPV. It is also recommended for children aging from eleven to twelve to fully protect them over years before they already belong to those sexually active people. Those who are older than twenty- six isn’t usually vaccinated. But then regardless of age you should still talk to your doctor or nurse to know if HPV vaccine can still benefit you.

Are there any side effects?

There are researches shown where they prove that HPV vaccine are safe. But one of the most common side effects that you may encounter is the redness and temporary pain of the area that has been shot. The reason why HPV vaccine became so controversial, is definitely because it can prevent sexually transmitted infections that leads to the belief that it not really appropriate for children. But then, this vaccine can best work if you have been vaccinated long before you already get any sexual intercourse. So, it can be a good idea if you will have it when you are still young to prevent any kind of cancers later in your life.

If you already have an HPV infection, can vaccine treat it?

If you are already having an infection, HPV vaccine can’t absolutely treat it. It is only for protecting you from getting the other types of HPV. Once you already have the disease, go to your doctor immediately and ask for the treatments that you needed.

Research said that HPV vaccines can protect you in a longer period of time. So, getting vaccinated immediately is a great choice for future purposes.

Importance of HIV Test

Importance of HIV Test

Almost one-fourth of those with an HIV virus are unaware about their illness. The transmissions of HIV virus cannot be reduced especially if individuals don’t exactly know about their status of HIV, whether they’re HIV negative or HIV positive. HIV test are the only ways to figured out if the persons are living with HIV virus. Even if you don’t suspect that you possibly have an HIV virus, still it is very important to get tested to determine if you really don’t have.

Early test will give you an assurance about the disease. When is the best time to get tested? Well, as far as HIV test is concerned, it is very important to have an early or rapid test, to ensure safety. Can HIV virus be prevented? Well, the transmissions of the disease can be avoided by reducing risky behaviors. An HIV is being spread-out through contact along with bodily fluid from a person who’s infected of the virus. One of the risky behaviors is by having an unprotected sex to a person whose status about HIV is unknown.

Advantages of Quick HIV Test

For more individuals, a fast test lets for testing. According to CDC, there are millions of Americans who have HIV, however only some of them are aware about it. More than 44, 000 Americans each year have become infected of HIV. That number recently decreased for more testing.

Those people who take HIV test with the used of traditional methods, thirty-one percent among them who have tested positively, don’t come back for the results, that are usually available one/more weeks right after the tests are done. Individuals give different reasons why they are not returning to get their tests results. Every response frequency varies on the population that have been tested. One of the most typical reasons given includes the following:

  • Lack of transportations
  • Fear of the positive results
  • Relocating to the new city
  • Fear that HIV status would be disclosed
  • Belief that they’re low risks for an HIV, therefore the results would be negative

Significant advantages of quick HIV test involve the following:

  • People who don’t want needle stick or afraid of blood test might decide to get tested.
  • Providing rapid result lessens the needs for individuals to come back in order to get the result, even though positive result should be confirmed through additional tests.
  • If you immediately confirmed that you’re positive for HIV virus, you can start receiving treatments, and take the steps needed to avoid virus transmissions.
  • Many studies have already proven that having an early test for HIV virus will result to better, quality and long-term life.
  • Early HIV test can also help you to be more aware about the virus, and preventing HIV infections.
  • Getting your result immediately can help you to reduce the anxiety that you are feeling while waiting to get your test result.
  • Early detection of HIV virus is one of the best keys to slow down the spread of your HIV.
  • Another great advantage of having an early diagnosis about HIV virus can help you to receive the right medications, fighting the HIV virus.

HIV Testing

HIV Testing

It has been recommended that every person between the age of fifteen and sixty-five should have a routine doctor’s visit. For individuals, the benefits could be huge whether it is putting your minds at ease regarding the status of your HIV or to give you the needs in which to build informed decisions concerning your health. It doesn’t mean that there are no emotional challenges or else this may keep you of getting tested. However, what everyone can speak out with full confidence are the benefits offer of an HIV testing.

Reasons Why You Should Get an HIV Testing

  • HIV test is fast & provide you a complete control

Discomfort, confidentiality and inconvenience are the most usual reasons why there are so many individuals who avoid an HIV testing. However, be honest with yourself. Things have enormously changed, with the latest test that offer high level of accuracy and greater speed. If you cannot bear waiting about the result of your HIV testing, then nowadays, there are many rapid HIV testing options which can offer you the results in just twenty minutes.

Aside from that, if you really hate needles, you don’t need to worry anymore, as you will no longer experience that. Saliva-based test has been widely used these days as the traditional blood test. Or probably, you are too worried about the medical confidentiality, then will rather not choose to walk in a crowded testing site, so why not try the commercially available HIV test in home, that puts you the control right back where it really belongs.

  • Individuals with HIV could live normal & long lives

The explanations of many researches are so simple & plain. If you’re at your twenty’s and have found out that you are HIV positive, you can live now will to your seventy’s & beyond once provided an immediate ART or anti-retroviral therapy. Think about that, it is not all about adding some extra years in your life, but it is also about the normal longevity. On the other hand, delaying ART, for decades or some time for years, could take back those gains. Just the same when you are smoking and you inject drugs, or take drugs inconsistently for up to ten years.

  • Early treatment can ensure better health

This is another reason why you should get an HIV testing. It is not only about the numbers of year that you live. Having an early therapy could afford you for healthier life and long life to boot. There are some investigations about the advantages of having an early treatment than delaying the treatment. It has been concluded that having therapy during the time of finding will not only help in reducing the illness likelihood and death at by few fifty-seven percent, however did very irrespective of ones’ age, sex, race, economic status, and viral load. So, it doesn’t really matter where you are living, how old or young you are. Having an early HIV testing can let you for an early treatment that ensures healthier & longer life.

HIV PEP or Post-Exposure Prophylaxis – What You Need To Know

HIV PEP         

HIV PEP or post- exposure prophylaxis is a means of taking the antiretroviral medicine after you have been potentially exposed from HIV infections to prevent certain infections. It is only for emergency situations and should start within seventy- two hours of being possibly exposed from HIV. However, PEP is not for curing your already acquired infections, because it’s only purpose is to prevent HIV infections from entering your body.

When is PEP being recommended?

  • Receptive anal sex – it is highly recommended if you had a receptive anal sex with someone whom an HIV positive or from a man who had sex with another man. The exception for this, is when the person whom you shared sexual contact is known to be under HIV treatment and have a viral load that is undetectable.
  • Insertive anal sex – PEP is also recommended once you had an insertive anal sex from a person who’s known as an HIV positive.
  • Vaginal sex – it is recommended to women who had a vaginal sex from a man that is known as an HIV positive. It can also be considered for a man who had a vaginal sex from a woman that is known as an HIV positive.
  • Non- sterile injection equipment – if you are using injected equipment that is previously been used by a person who is known as an HIV positive, then you will need to take the PEP method.

Aside from that, PEP is also applicable once you give an oral sex to someone that is known as an HIV positive. However, it is not recommended for other cases like cunnilingus, human bites and semen splashes on your skin.

Does PEP work?

PEP is considered as an effective way to prevent HIV infections, when you are taking it correctly. But then, it is not totally 100% effective. Once you start taking PEP immediately after exposure, the better the result that you can get. When you are using PEP, it is still important to use condoms when you are having sexual intercourse and a continuous safe practice of drug injection.

Other things that you needed to consider

Relying on PEP is not the best way to prevent possible infections when you are continuously having an unprotected sex and sharing some injection equipment. Associating condoms is a great choice to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted disease. PEP can’t stop you from getting other infections even you are still taking it.

If you’re a woman and you had sex with someone without using condom or other contraception, there’s a possibility that you can easily get pregnant. So, it is also a need to use other forms of contraception to prevent this issue, but make sure to ask your doctor when you are still using PEP. PEP drugs may interact with the other forms of medicines that you are taking. With the possible drugs interaction, it is very important that you are giving these details with your doctor to know the possible effects and outcomes.